Scott MacNeill
Scott MacNeill operates telescopes and presents the night sky at Brown University's Ladd Observatory where he serves as a Staff Astronomer, he is the Astronomy Labs and Physics Labs Professor at Bryant University, is a partner in the Rhode Island Sidewalk Astronomers, and is the current Director of the Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center in Charlestown, Rhode Island. In addition, Scott develops and maintains the frostydrew.org website, and writes about astronomy, including a weekly note on astronomical happenings for Frosty Drew Observatory. Scott's astronomy photographs have been seen in BBC Sky At Night magazine, Rhode Island Monthly magazine, Hey Rhody magazine, SO Rhode Island magazine, the Lady Project Holiday Guide, The Skyscraper, Space.com, EarthSky, Universe Today, Science Live, Brown University News, Weather Underground, WJAR, Sky News London, China Times, United Daily News, and other paper, televised, and online publications. Before switching into physics, Scott was a professional and accomplished Systems and Software Engineer with roots in the open source community.