Perseid Meteor Shower 2024 - SOLD OUT
- Where:
- Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center
- When:
- Sun, Aug 11, 2024 8:30 pm - Mon, Aug 12, 2024 4:00 am
- Cost:
- $5 per person over 4 years of age
The early morning of August 12th, 2024 will bring the Perseid Meteor Shower peak to the sky over Frosty Drew Observatory, blazing the starscape with up to 100+ meteors per hour. The Perseids are considered by many to be the best meteor shower of the year, and in 2024 we are setup for a rather good display in the morning hours due to the First Quarter Moon setting at 11:22 pm. Bright Moon light obscures our view of meteor activity when the Moon is above the horizon. The First Quarter Moon will outshine many of the dimmer Perseid meteors before Moonset, but the brighter meteors will be visible. After the Moon sets, the shower will really open up. Perseids will start appearing more frequently after 10:00 pm, with the shower really taking off shortly after midnight. The peak occurs in the early morning hours of August 12th just before dawn.
Join Frosty Drew astronomers at the Observatory on August 11-12, 2024, weather permitting, to witness this spectacular event. We will open the Observatory, Observatory Courtyard, Sky Theatre, and Science Center at 8:30 p.m. In the Observatory, telescopes will showcase the night sky until meteors start becoming frequent, usually around 11:30 p.m. Telescopic views of the Moon, nebulae, star clusters, and more will serve as a mesmerizing start to a great night. To maximize meteor viewing experiences, telescope access will end at 11:00 pm, though the Frosty Drew campus will remain open until predawn. one or more Courtyard telescopes may be available throughout the night though meteors are not visible in a telescope. The Science Center and Sky Theatre will remain open all night with videos and showcases of celestial objects we have photographed at Frosty Drew Observatory.
A ticket is required for admission to this event!
Important information about tickets:
- A ticket is required for each person in your party / group that is over 4 years of age.
- Tickets will NOT be available on site, and must be purchased beforehand online.
- Tickets will be checked at the Observatory main gate, either electronically or physically.
- The name on the ticket must match the name of the ticket holder.
- Tickets are non-refundable.
- This event is weather dependent and cancellations will be posted on the day of the event.
- We cannot guarantee the weather, and seeing meteor activity is very dependent on clear conditions.
- All ticket holders can stay on the campus for the entire duration of the event.
This event has SOLD OUT!
Bring your friends and family. Break out your lawn chairs and blankets, *binoculars, and telescopes. Sit under the beautifully clear dark sky of Ninigret Park in Charlestown, Rhode Island and have a fabulous astronomy experience as shooting stars blaze the sky!
Take a minute to read up on visiting the Frosty Drew Observatory and Science Center and catch up on what to / not to bring and how to adequately prepare for a comfortable night of meteor watching.
Please note that we do not allow any white lights on our campus or in Ninigret Park from dusk - dawn, with the exception of low beam headlights while in motion. This is to ensure an equally awesome view of the night sky for all and to allow for the use of light sensitive astronomical equipment. Learn more about why we have this requirement in The Red Light District.
This event is a weather dependent event. Cloudy sky conditions, fog, and / or rain will cancel this event.
See you under the Perseids!
*Binoculars and telescopes are welcome but are not needed to view the meteor shower.