Public Night Log

Last night we had a spectacular night of observation. The observatory stayed open till about 4:30am Saturday morning and we had a steady stream of visitors from the Rhythm and Roots festival all night long. We also had some fascinating views of Vesta, Comet P1 Garradd, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and an inspiring early viewing session of M1, M42 (Great Orion Nebula), M78 and other objects in Orion. We had planned on opening tonight but the skies are forecast to be cloudy with possible thunderstorms so we will NOT be open tonight. Special thanks to Dan Orcutt for all his help around the observatory and free coffee for the astronomers! Dan you really are rock n roll!

-Scott MacNeill

Scott MacNeill
Scott MacNeill
Entry Date:
Sep 2, 2011
Published Under:
Scott MacNeill's Log
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