Friday April 19, 2013 Weekly Happenings

Tonight's forecast is calling for clouds, high winds, and a thunderstorm. This will likely keep the observatory closed tonight. Fret not, tomorrow evening Frosty Drew Observatory will be celebrating Astronomy Day 2013 and the skies look great! So come out and get your astronomy fix on with sunspot viewing, presentations, and at sundown astronomical observation all starting at 5:00 p.m.

Now that Spring is well underway, Jupiter and the familiar winter constellations are racing westward to the horizon, with many fantastic spring time objects becoming visible. This past week, Saturn, one of the most memorable planets to observe, has moved into our prime viewing time. Rising earlier every night, Saturn will be visible tomorrow night in the East after 8:00 and will be within range of our telescopes around 9:00 p.m.. Saturn, which is currently residing in the constellation Libra will be reaching opposition on Sunday April 28. Opposition happens when Saturn is on the opposite side of Earth than the Sun. This also means that Saturn is at its closest point to us for the 2013 viewing season. If planetary photography is your gig, now is the time to take that fantastic Saturn photo!

This weekend the annual NASA International SPACE Apps Challenge ( commences. This event is about collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing relevant open source solutions that address global needs applicable to life on Earth and in space. At Frosty Drew we have many hackers that come out with devices or stories of their developments (you know who you are!). Well here a chance to get your craft on, to make your mark on the next big thing that will help humanity. The nearest hackspace is in New York City and will take place for 48 hours. After which the next generation of awesome apps, devices, and visualizations will emerge. The New York City event is still accepting registrations. Hackers, hustlers, and hipsters; this is your chance to use your skills to make a difference that can shape the future of exploration and science!

Keep your eyes to the sky, awesome things are happening!

-Scott MacNeill

Scott MacNeill
Scott MacNeill
Entry Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Published Under:
Scott MacNeill's Log
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