Combined Stellar Magnitudes

Combined Stellar Magnitudes

This is almost the same as the tool as Elongations except that a planetary radius must be supplied. The default is for

Ever wonder how bright a binary star composed of a first and a sixth magnitude star would be together. How about a cluster composed of 10000 twelve magnitude star? How bright are all the stars in the sky together? Here is a tool to calculate this for you. If you want to enter many stars of the same magnitude prefix the magnitude with the count and an asterisk (no blanks allowed). So 500*9 would mean 500 ninth magnitude stars. Separate each object with a space. The default is an approximation of all the stars in the sky at one time. Notice that they don't even match Venus at its brightest! the Earth in kilometers.

This utility was authored by Les Coleman and is subject to Copyrights belonging to Les Coleman. This material may be referenced and reproduced as long as proper attribution is given as specified in Proper Usage Guidelines for Frosty Drew and Related Materials.