Spherical and Cartesian Coordinates

Spherical and Cartesian Coordinates

This tool transforms spherical to Cartesian coordinates and vice versa. Traditionally, the X axis points towards the First Point of Aries (the point where the Sun is located at the first instant of Spring in the northern hemisphere). The Y axis is at right angles to the North. The Y axis is at right angles measured counterclockwise looking down from the North.

λ is measured in degrees from the First Point of Aries. β is measured up or down from the circumferential plane which is perpendicular to North. ρ is the radius distance.

Fill either group of boxes with appropriate values. The buttons associated with each group determine whether the conversions are from Cartesian to Spherical and vice versa.

Spherical to Cartesian
This utility was authored by Les Coleman and is subject to Copyrights belonging to Les Coleman. This material may be referenced and reproduced as long as proper attribution is given as specified in Proper Usage Guidelines for Frosty Drew and Related Materials.