Messier 82 - A Starburst Galaxy

Messier 82 - A Starburst Galaxy
We captured this image of the Messier 82 (M82) galaxy this during the first week of March 2022 using our PlaneWave CDK600 24" telescope. This galaxy resides at 11.85 million light years distant, and is found in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy is currently undergoing an intense uptick in star formation, which designates this galaxy as a starburst galaxy. This increase in star formation activity is a result of interactions that Messier 82 is having with its nearby neighbor Messier 81 - Bodes Galaxy. Though our view of M82 is on-edge, near IR imagery has discovered that two symmetrical spiral arms exist in the galaxy.
Image credit: Frosty Drew Astronomy Team member, Scott MacNeill.
Scott MacNeill
Entry Date:
Apr 5, 2022
Published Under:
Scott MacNeill's Media
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