Log, Feb 9, 2001

No people. More lousy weather appeared at Frosty Drew this evening. Oh well, rather than just say nothing for the umpteenth time, I decided to examine the logbook to see the good things we've done since we installed the Meade LX200 16" SCT in July of 1999.

I first checked to see if we have finally completed a segmented Messier Marathon with the Meade SCT 16". Of the 110 (well really 109) Messier Deep Space Objects [DSOs], we have log records on 99 of them. I am certain we have seen others in the 16" but we don't have records. While we try to keep good records, we always will postpone recording to answer a question or help someone at the eyepiece. So things do fall through the cracks. Some of these DSOs have seen in binoculars at FDO, but we may not have pointed the 16" at them because of the zenith trap was in the way or sky was bright in the DSO's direction.

M9 NGC6333

I'm sure we have seen this globular cluster in Ophiuchus in site of having no record of it. We have to wait until June to see it.

M26 NGC6694

This open cluster in Scutum has been seen when we looked at M11 nearby according to Doug. We'll have to wait until July to see it.

M29 NGC6913

This open cluster just off Sadr was seen at the request of Ernie Evans according to Doug. I have a vague memory of Ernie asking to see it as well. We'll have to wait until May to see it.

M40 Winnecke-4

The "phantom" Messier object is a small star grouping at Messier's coordinates RA=12h22m and declination=+58°05' . Some lists have substituted a galaxy or a nebula.

M50 NGC2323

This open cluster in Monocerus should be easy to find. Maybe it can be seen better in a rich field scope. This is in the evening sky until June.

M69 NGC6637

This globular cluster in Sagittarius is one we have certainly seen, list entry or not. It's in the Teapot proper. We'll need to wait until July to see it.

M91 NGC4548

We've seen this galaxy along with dozens of nearby companions in the great Coma/Virgo supercluster. My best guess is we got writer's cramp listing Messier, NGC and IC galaxies by the score when we were in the area. This will be in the evening sky until September.

M94 NGC4736

How could we have missed this northern galaxy in Canes Venetici? This is nearly circumpolar, up 20 hours a day.

M98 NGC4192

Like M91, M98 is another of the huge collection of galaxies in the Coma/Virgo supercluster. I suspect we've seen it but did not record it. This is in the evening sky until September.

M106 NGC4253

This is a galaxy on a line with M109 off Phecda in Ursa Major. We've seen in binoculars for sure. I think the 16" may have seen it without a record. This is nearly circumpolar, up 21 hours a day.

M109 NGC3992

This is a galaxy which is right under Phecda in Ursa Major. Phecda is the lower bowl star near the Big Dipper's handle. Like M106 I know we have seen it in binoculars, and I suspect the 16" SCT as well. This galaxy is truly circumpolar.

For the record since July 1999, we have seen [at least] all of the following:

Messier DSOs: M1[NGC1952 (Crab;SN 1054)], M2[NGC7089], M3[NGC5272], M4[NGC6121], M5[NGC5904], M6[NGC6405 (Butterfly)], M7[NGC6475], M8[NGC6523 (Lagoon)], M10[NGC6254], M11[NGC6705 (Wild Duck)], M12[NGC6218], M13 [NGC6205 (Hercules Cluster)], M14[NGC6402], M15[NGC7078], M16[NGC6611 (Eagle)], M17[NGC6618 (Swan/Omega)], M18[NGC6613], M19[NGC6273], M20 [NGC6514 (Triffid)], M21[NGC6531], M22[NGC6656], M23[NGC6494], M24[NGC6603 (Central star cloud)], M25[IC4725], M27[NGC6853 (Dumbbell Nebula)], M28 [NGC6626], M30[NGC7099], M31[NGC224 (Andromeda Galaxy)], M32[NGC221 (M31's Satellite)], M33[NGC598 (Triangulum)], M34[NGC1039], M35[NGC2168], M36[NGC1960], M37[NGC2099], M38[NGC1922], M39[NGC7092], M41[NGC2287], M42[NGC1976 (Orion Nebula)], M43[NGC1982 (Orion Nebula)], M44[NGC2632 (Praesepe; Beehive)], M45[(Pleiades;7 Sisters)], M46[NGC2437], M47[NGC2422 ("Lost" Messier)], M48[NGC2548 ("Lost" Messier)], M49[NGC4472], M51[NGC5194 (Whirlpool)], M52[NGC7654], M53[NGC5024], M54[NGC6715 (Dwarf Galaxy)], M55[NGC6809], M56[NGC6779], M57[NGC6720 (Ring Nebula)], M58[NGC4579], M59[NGC4621], M60[NGC4649], M61[NGC4303], M62[NGC6266], M63 [NGC5055], M64[NGC4826 (Black Eye)], M65[NGC3623], M66[NGC3627], M67[NGC2682], M68[NGC4590], M70[NGC6681], M71[NGC6838], M72[NGC6981], M73 [NGC6994], M74[NGC628], M75[NGC6864], M76[NGC650], M77[NGC1068], M78[NGC2068], M79 [NGC1904], M80[NGC6093], M81[NGC3031], M82[NGC3034], M83[NGC5236], M84[NGC4374], M85 [NGC4382], M86[NGC4406], M87[NGC4486 (Virgo A)], M88[NGC4501], M89[NGC4552], M90[NGC4569], M92[NGC6341], M93[NGC2447], M95[NGC3351], M96[NGC3368], M97[NGC3587 (Owl)], M99[NGC4254], M100[NGC4321], M101[NGC5457 (Pinwheel)], M102 [NGC5866], M103[NGC581], M104[NGC4594 (Sombrero)], M105[NGC3379], M107[NGC6171], M108[NGC3556], M110[NGC205]

NGC Catalog DSOs: 253 [Sculptor Galaxy], 457 [Phi Cas Cluster], 869 [Double Cluster], 884 [Double Cluster], 128, 246, 247, 257, 258, 281, 317, 404, 488, 520, 584, 586, 615, 752, 891, 956, 1053, 1232, 1275 [Perseus A], 1365, 1491, 1499, 1528, 1535, 1647, 1788, 1851, 1931, 1999, 2237 [Rosette Nebula], 2239 [Rosette Nebula], 2261 [Hubble's Variable], 2362 [Tau CMa Cluster], 2392 [Eskimo Nebula], 2023, 2158, 2168, 2174, 2207, 2217, 2244, 2280, 2298, 2403, 2423, 2437, 2438, 2667, 2672, 2673, 2903, 3115 [Spindle Galaxy], 3242 [Jupiter's ghost], 3166, 3169, 3338, 3384, 3389, 3489, 3521, 3605, 3606, 3607, 3608, 3628, 3629, 4889 [Coma Cluster], 4312, 4340, 4350, 4360, 4361, 4388, 4425, 4435, 4438, 4467, 4476, 4564, 4567, 4636, 4638, 4647, 4697, 4699, 4782, 4783, 5195, 5634, 6302 [Bug Nebula], 6543 [Cat's Eye Nebula], 6729 [Crater Nebula], 6822 [Barnard's Galaxy], 6826 [Blinking Nebula], 6888 [Crescent Nebula], 6960 [Veil], 6992 [Veil], 6995 [Veil], 6207, 6210, 6217, 6309, 6503, 6530, 6712, 6811, 6823, 6885, 6919, 6940, 7000 [North America Nebula], 7009 [Saturn Nebula], 7023 [Reflecting Nebula], 7293 [Helix Nebula], 7635 [Bubble Nebula], 7006, 7048, 7082, 7184

Other Catalog DSOs: IC405 [Flaming Star], IC434 [Horsehead], IC2163, IC2411, IC3583, IC5146 [Cocoon Nebula], Sh2-155 [Cave Nebula]

Constellations: Andromeda, Aquila, Aquarius, Aries, Auriga, Bootes, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Capricornus, Cassiopeia, Cetus, Cepheus, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Cancer, Canes Venatici, Coma, Corona Borealis, Cygnus, Draco, Equuleus, Eridanus, Gemini, Hercules, Hydra, Lacerta, Leo, Lepus, Libra, Leo Minor, Lupus, Lynx, Lyra, Monoceros, Ophiuchus, Orion, Pegasus, Perseus, Pisces, Scutum, Scorpio, Serpens, Sagitta, Sagittarius, Taurus, Triangulum, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Virgo, Vulpecula

Stars: Albireo [βCyg], Alcor [80 UMa], Alcyone [θTau], Aldebaran [αTau], Aldermin [αCep], Algol [βPer], Alhena [γGem], Alkaid [θUMa], Alnilam [εOri], Alnitak [ζOri], Alphecca [αCrb], Alpheratz [αAnd], Altair [αAql], Antares [αSco], Arcturus [αBoo], Atlas [27 Tau], Atria [αTri], Bellatrix [γ Ori], Betelgeuse [αOri], Capella [αAur], Caph [β Cas], Cor Coroli [αCVn], Deneb [αCyg], Deneb Kaitos [αCet], Denebola [βLeo], Dschubba [δSco], Dubhe [αUMa], Electra [17 Tau], Formalhaut [αPsA], Geidi Prime [αCap], Maia [20 Tau], Megrez [δUMa], Menkelinan [β Aur], Merak [βUMa], Merope [23 Tau], Mintaka [δOri], Mirach [βAnd], Mirfak [αPer], Mizar [ζUMa], Phecda [γ UMa], Plione [28 Tau], Polaris [αUMi], Pollux [βGem], Procyon [αCMi], Rasalgethi [αHer], Regulus [αLeo], Rigil [βOri], Sadalmeik [αAqr], Sadalsuud [βAqr], Sadr [γCyg], Saiph [κOri], Schedar [αCas], Sirius [αCMa], Spica [αVir], Taygeta [19 Tau], Trapezium [θ Ori], Vega [αLyr], Zubeneschamali [βLib], Zubenesgenubi [αLib], HD117, HD124, HD35162, HD39183, HD73634, HD117200, HD117201, HD148479, HD164492, HD173446, HD185622, HD212370, HD232078, HD353339

Many of these stars are multiple star systems which we have split. We have also seen thousands of additional stars which we have not bothered to record unless something special occurred.

We have seen all the major planets including Pluto, asteroids including Ceres, Juno, and Vesta, 2 comets and 17 moons [Earth:Moon, Jupiter:Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto Saturn:Mimas, Enceledus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus Uranus:Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon, Neptune: Triton] since the 16" Meade SCT went into operation.

We have NOT yet captured Jupiter's Himalia which is just within our abilities. We have not captured either Mars'moons Phobos or Deimos although in 2003 we may be able to do so. We have not captured Charon as distinct from Pluto and probably never will.

All in all, I think that of the legitimate Messier object's we have probably targeted all but three or four with the Meade 16" LX200 SCT. Hopefully, we'll have officially finished the Messier DSOs by the telescope's second birthday. Once we finish the Messier list we can got onto tracking the 6,000 NGC and IC DSO's visible from FDO. Then onto the 12 million stellar objects for which we have coordinates north of 41 degrees south latitude. At a conservative estimate, it will take more than a millenia before we can exhaust the possibilities for new objects.

We held astronomy classes which ranged from mythology to the nuclear processes. We were part of Project Comet Chaser when a NASA sponsored rocket was launched from across the parking lot from us. This rocket was trying to capture dust from comet Temple-Tuttle. Some 33 school bus loads (1800+ kids) visited us that day! We have had more than 2800 people look through the Meade 16" SCT since July 1999. All this, in spite of a ridiculous 25 Fridays canceled due to rain, fog or snow and another 10 almost wiped out due to clouds. Lets face it 41% rainouts is really bad luck. All in all a record to be proud of achieving. Just think what we could do if the weather was even 50% less cloudy!

-Les Coleman

Leslie Coleman
Leslie Coleman
Entry Date:
Feb 9, 2001
Published Under:
Leslie Coleman's Log
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