Scientific Papers and Publications
Frosty Drew Observatory & Sky Theatre provides numerous scientific papers that offer a fun, educational approach to astronomy and the sciences that interact with it. Astronomy is a complex science that integrates many other complex sciences. These complexities are generally unnecessary and many of the basic principles of Astronomy can be explained in every-day terms. Let Frosty Drew Observatory & Sky Theatre help you on your way to understanding the Universe that surrounds us and how we fit in.
- Astronomical Constants and Tables
- Basic Astronomy
- Einstein's Equation
- Eyeball Astronomy
- John Bortle's Dark Sky Scale
- Myths, Legends and Lore
- Orbits for Amateurs
- Our Old Astro-Physics StarFire
- Physics for Astronomers
- Resolving Power
- Selecting Our Meade LX200
- Somnium - A Dream, by Johannes Kepler
- Star Names
- Telescopes and Optics